Thursday, December 24, 2020

Happy Holidays

“I seem to be having tremendous
difficulty with my lifestyle."

During theses next holiday days I'm gonna take a break from diligently learning too much Astronomy, Science, Cosmology, Physics, Astrobiology and other cool (The Great Courses) space stuff (you see, there's a certain order I am learning all this stuff), and I will be enjoying theses other neat, super-fun The Great Courses releases:

  • My Favorite Universe
  • The Inexplicable Universe: Unsolved Mysteries
  • New Frontiers: Modern Perspective on Our Solar System
  • Einstein's Relativity and the Quantum Revolution: Modern Physics for Non-Scientists, 2nd Edition
  • Impossible: Physics beyond the Edge

I share this information because if you take delight or are curious about science, the universe, physics, astronomy, our solar system and other cool space stuff, then do yourself a favor and check out these DVDs. Make sure to also get your hands on the accompanying guidebooks for each individual release - they will make absorbing this information a delightful experience.

StarTalk is a program I enjoy a little too much. 

Science, pop culture and comedy collide on StarTalk.
Actually, do yourself favor and immerse yourself in watching StarTalk right now: it is too much fun! 

( ( Launch StarTalk ) )

What follows are two of The Great Courses DVDs I find immensely enjoyable.

The Inexplicable Universe • Neil deGrasse Tyson  (The Great Courses)

My Favorite Universe • Neil deGrasse Tyson (The Great Courses)

"In life and in the universe it's 

always best to keep looking up."

-Neil deGrasse Tyson

The Planetary Society Bill Nye: Funko Pop • Carl Sagan: Pale Blue Dot

The Planetary Society

Space for Humanity

Webb Space Telescope


